“Poetry contributes intense records to history”. Through tuning into the human tradition, "a voice which has developed among the sounds of natural things"[,] and thus escap[ing] the confines of a time and place" poetry proves "international", and more commonly associated, transcendent (20). Poetry, a cultural phenomenon, grows from "precise information on existence" and "information of its own existence, that is, the movement (and tone) of the words. Rhythm, pulse keeping time with existence, is the distinction of this technique (20). Poetry, an independent, cohesed with "precise information on existence" travels a space time continuum as light (20). When the light transfers to language, as in Zukofsky's "An Objective", there is an opening for the eased examination and directed mediculyzing of language within its own projected limits. Not to say the intellectual framework of language itself poetry, nor poetry, a thing in combination with historical epochs, separate from the projected limits within epistemological reality. Although “it is assumed that epistemological problems do not affect existence” (13). Objectification, (through perception), the lens, brings "the rays of an object to a focus; that which is aimed at", held within desire, "for what is objectively perfect, inextricable the direction of historic and contemporary particulars" (12). A contemporary particular, "the omission of names [,] is prompted by the historical method of the Chinese sage who wrote 'Then for nine reigns there was no literary production'''(12). Omission suggests the absences of "the consciousness of the 'objectively perfect''' as well as the absence of "an interest in clear or vital 'particulars'''(12). Poets rise to inspire through a muse-ic presentation, “writing [as] a reassertion of faith that the combined letters - the word - are absolute symbols for objects, states, acts, [and] interrelations" (14). Poetry arises from shapes, as “precursors of completed sound or structure” (12). As for the origin of writing inspired particulars "which is the detail not mirage, of seeing or thinking with the things as they exist", poetry is information coding its own existence, fused with "precise information on existence" (20). The manifestation of the focus of an object through perception first travels a space time continuum as light to birth poetry which originates in objective precision and discrimination since perception relative to particulars can produce something authentic within existence and historical significance.
Cited from Zukofsky’s “An Objective” and “A Statement for Poetry” found in Prepositions + printed by Wesleyan University Press.
What does "medyculizing" mean?
PS You probably don't need to cite everything, since we all have the text...I know Kasey said to make 'em more academic-y but it's really distracting!
mediculyzing. Like mediculous investigation-ing.
Do you mean "meticulous"? Regardless, "mediculyzing" is a great word--it sounds like it combines medicine, ridiculous, and analyzing.
I don't really want people's comments to be "academic-y," as Danyn puts it. I just want to see direct engagement with the concepts on some level--which I do see here, at times wonderfully. You write in a very intuitive, sometimes delirious style that is not always, well ... coherent. I think this is actually more a problem of grammar than of content. I don't have a problem with the mystical concepts so much, but sometimes your quotes are a bit off, and the structure of your own sentences could use a little tweaking. Not every commentary has to be an ecstatic dream vision! That said, I love the passionate and serious engagement with the ideas I see here.
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